A preferred Contract Research & Manufacturing Organization in India
Kemio Solutions is an integrated CRAMS (Custom Research & Manufacturing Services) provider offering single point access to discovery services, CPRD (Chemical Process Research & Development), drug production development & regulatory support services as well as pharmaceutical technologies to pharma and biotech companies globally. We support in accelerating drug development projects of our partners and clients with technologies,experienced expertise and capabilities to execute pre-clinical programs, CMC (chemistry, manufacturing and control) for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) and drug products, and registration solutions for New Chemical Entities (NCEs), 505b2 and orphan drugs.

Our Values
We believe in Integrity, Quality Assurance, Confidentiality, Timeline, Project Management, Client Satisfaction

Our Mission
Accelerate drug discovery, development and manufacturing processes for global Pharmaceutical and biotech companies.

Our Vision
Have affordable medications available to all of mankind.

Scientific Team
Kemio solutions team comprises, PhDs' and Masters' in synthetic organic chemistrys.This includes chemists with degrees and training under the guidance of the best-recognised and most-respected academic scientists. Our team has proven experience in handling extremely broad array of synthetic areas. Consequently, the company enjoys the benefit of an unusually talented and experienced pool of scientists.
Business Model & Competitive Advantage
- Collaborate on Pre- and Early clinical development programs with flexible business model including Fee-for-Service, Full Time Equivalent and Participative models.
- Proven track record in the design and development of practical, safe, economical and scalable routes to a variety of New Chemical Entities (NCEs).
- Tailored solutions for our clients/partners delivering quality product.
- Highly experienced team capable in planning the most optimal development path and selecting the compound with the highest chances of pre- and early clinical development.
- Provide products with well-documented chemistry and analytical data to meet clients expectations.
- Uncompromised attention to maintain total Confidentiality.
- Strong network of collaborations and strategic alliances with academia and research institutes.

Kemio’s Research and Developmental facilities are located in the Southern Indian city of Bengaluru (formerly known as Bangalore) ), a major Pharmaceutical hub in India. Spread over 5000 Sq Ft, these labs possess infrastructure to support and enable milligram to multiple hundreds of grams from the R&D site.
- Modern lab equipment to allow rapid scale-up up to 2kg within the facility.Industry standard safety and waste disposal mechanism.